How the Oceans Currents are Impacted by Climate Change - 338
We may think the local weatherperson controls our weather at 10 PM each evening, but they do not. It is controlled primarily by massive ocean currents, which transport heat away from the equator. Conversely, cold water flows along the ocean floor towards the equator, which evens our temperatures out a bit. The amount of water transporting heat is massive and has its own mathematical term, a Sverdrup, which is 1 million cubic meters of water moving per second. You can use a square yard instead of a square meter and be close enough when attempting to visualize this volume of movement. Oceanographers and climate scientists have been raising the alarm that one of the ocean currents is getting squirrely. It is the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Its rate varies from 30 to 150 Sverdrups per second. To give some perspective of how much water is moving, at 100 Sverdrups per second, it is over 35,000 times more water than what goes over Niagara Falls. The (AMOC...